Four reasons you struggle to connect to your hunger

Do you find it challenging to connect with your hunger cues?

Many people do. Some struggle to describe the body sensations that come with hunger. Others may be able to notice the subtle messages but struggle to acknowledge and listen to them. Some ignore or avoid their hunger cues altogether. Do any of those sound like you? You are not alone. Listening to our body is a skill that takes practice. Unfortunately, some of us don’t get the practice that we need from our caregivers or grown-ups. Sometimes the root lies in our childhood experiences. Here are four examples:

  • your grown-ups praised you for eating less, or scolded you for eating “too much”

  • feelings of hunger were then coupled with negative experiences of over fullness that went against your body autonomy like “you must finish your plate” or “you can’t leave the table until you finish all your broccoli“

  • your expressions of hunger were met with big overwhelming feelings or expressions like “you’re hungry again?!”

  • your hunger was triggering for your grown-ups…resulting in tears, fights, anger, yelling or crying related to food insecurity and financial insecurity

Those experiences might have set you up for the disconnection you are feeling today:

  • If you are ignoring or avoiding your hunger cues…

  • If you feel no connection to your hunger cues…

  • If sensing and honoring your hunger cues increases anxiety and makes you feel unsafe…

You are not alone, and all of those are totally understandable. Patterns like dieting, restricting, binge eating or purging help manage, numb, or distract from uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, or sensations inside us. I believe no behavior is maladaptive and all behaviors make sense.

My work starts with exploration, reflection, and building awareness. If you can, take a pause, and a deep breath. What is your earliest memory of hunger?

You deserve to be seen, heard, and known. As a Registered Dietitian, my primary job is to provide a space for you to show up as yourself and to allow all parts of you to be seen. If you are feeling stuck, confused, and disconnected, I would love to support you. It is possible to reconnect with your body and your hunger, at your pace, rooted in your values. Click here to schedule a free call with me!


5 hunger cues we don’t talk about enough


I’m an eating disorder dietitian and I didn’t know I had an eating disorder