Human first, dietitian second. The person you meet in the (virtual) room is the real me. I am committed to showing up as myself. I will make mistakes and hold myself accountable. I am gentle, and warm, and I will lovingly call attention to your bullshit. I do the work too; I go to therapy weekly, reflect deeply and seek supervision to illuminate my blind spots. My hope is that by being my goofy weird self, you feel safe enough to be yourself too, and we can practice honesty and openness together.
It is hard to experience joy and pleasure when you are anxious and preoccupied with food 24/7. It’s hard to connect with friends at dinner when are thinking about that part of your body that you hate and whether they are they looking at it and thinking about it too. Being a human requires thinking about food, and my wish is that you find balance. You’ll still have to think about food, but you’ll think about it differently, and sometimes less. The same goes for your relationship with your body. What does balance look like for you?
I do not pretend to be an expert. Every human I meet is unique, only YOU are the expert in the room. I ask a lot of open-ended questions. I work through the lens of curiosity and approach learning about your behaviors, thoughts and feelings around food and body without judgement. Over time, automatic thoughts rooted in guilt and shame can make way for self-enquiry grounded in self-compassion.
Personally and professionally, listening is my superpower. Having uninterrupted time to express yourself is a gift in this crazy, loud world, and I will come alongside you and listen deeply. I care about you and genuinely want to hear about your experiences.
My favorite fancy word for “You are in the driver’s seat.” I can help provide choices, and options, but ultimately you are in control. No way in hell I’m going to mimic trauma by telling you exactly what to do or trying to force “compliance.”
Individualized Care
No cookie-cutter stuff. I don’t have “3 Proven Phases” or “4 Pillars of Genius” or a “VIP Intensive Guaranteed to Heal You in 60 Days.” I am not about splashy marketing or hard sells. It’s just me and you, face to face, every week (usually). I understand the urge for a roadmap/outline/plan/guide. It’s comforting. You want to know what’s happening next. No two humans are the same and it takes time for me to get to know you and understand your needs. We won’t move at my speed, we’ll move at the speed of trust.
This is a real relationship. If healing was just about knowing (e.g. facts, book knowledge, skills) then I wouldn’t really have a job. The relationship between you and me (as your Registered Dietitian) will be collaborative, open, sometimes challenging.