work with me

Does this resonate? 

  • You’ve downloaded every free workbook on [insert nutrition-related topic here]…and you still feel stuck

  • You tried to read Intuitive Eating, but never quite finished (it can be a lot all at once!) and don’t know how to apply it

  • You follow some dietitians on Instagram but feel pretty skeptical that any of that applies to you 

  • Your therapist gently called out that your relationship with food may be a juicy area of exploration for you

How would it feel if you ate food not only to keep your heart beating and lungs breathing (bare minimum) but also to fully experience pleasure? Wide-eyed, slow down, savor every bite pleasure? 

How might it feel if you moved in response to your body’s yearning to move, in whatever way it asked you that day?

How would it feel if your daily food decisions didn’t rattle your nervous system so much that you become an anxious tumbleweed of ruminating thoughts or slide down into a frozen icicle of shame? 

If you close your eyes, can you imagine a life where your food decisions are NOT dictated by calories, points, rules, or shoulds, but guided by your budding connection with your body and sound nutritional science? (vs what that Tik Tokker said on that viral reel, not that I have Tik Tok, but feel free to send me whatever it is that your mind is now playing on a loop)

If you’re frustrated with your body, dieting, and food habits…

If you’re struggling with health conditions like Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, or PCOS…

 I would love to help you. Seriously.

How might it feel to play around with the idea that you could let someone in and receive 1:1 support for as long as you need?




    Experience what it's like to slow down for 90 minutes and focus on yourself. We will talk about your goals, family history, medical history and symptoms, and eating and movement patterns throughout your life. This foundation helps us build a plan for healing. I want to make sure you have a good feel of what it would be like to work with me after our first session, so you can decide if you want to continue!



    Each session is unique. Common topics discussed are nutrition info and misconceptions, eating behaviors, honoring hunger and fullness, pleasure and food, body image, weight stigma, the intersection of racism and capitalism, and more. We might also eat together, tackle body image exposure work, or make plans for an upcoming date night, vacation, or event.

I work with several body and food-related issues:

Eating Disorders

Anorexia Nervosa

“Atypical” Anorexia Nervosa

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

Binge Eating Disorder

Bulimia Nervosa

Night Eating Syndrome


Purging Disorder

Disordered Eating

Binge Eating

Chewing and Spitting

Compulsive Overeating

Emotional Eating

Food Fears, Anxieties, and Avoidances

Food Hoarding

Mindless or Disconnected Eating

Obsessive, Compulsive, or Ritualistic Eating

“Picky” Eating

Diet & Body

Body Dissatisfaction

Body Image Distortion

Diabetes Management

Exercise Addition and Resistance

Exercise Bulimia

PCOS Management

Weight Cycling

Yo-Yo Dieting

I choose to work with humans, not for insurance companies